drop box decision

MADISON – The ACLU of Wisconsin issued a statement today denouncing the state Supreme Court’s decision to ban ballot drop boxes in Wisconsin.

Karyn Rotker, a senior staff attorney for the ACLU of Wisconsin, said the following:

“The Wisconsin Supreme Court’s decision to ban drop boxes and restrict ballot return assistance amounts to yet another senseless attack on our voting rights that will result in even greater disenfranchisement of eligible voters in our state. Drop boxes have proven to be an accessible, secure, and easy way for voters across the country to cast their ballots, and they have been widely used by people of all backgrounds and political affiliations without issue. In 2020, more voters returned their ballots at a drop box than ever before, helping spur record-breaking voter turnout in Wisconsin.

This ruling is yet another loss for the voters of Wisconsin and another win for the elected officials who have long employed voter suppression tactics to erode our ability to vote, making Wisconsin increasingly anti-democratic.

While today’s announcement unfortunately means that Wisconsin voters will have fewer options available for voting, we strongly encourage those who are eligible to still vote in the upcoming election this August. You can start getting ready now by making sure you’re registered to vote, requesting an absentee ballot, finding your polling place, and getting informed about the candidates on your ballot. You can also get involved by volunteering to be a poll worker.”

This statement can be found online at: https://www.aclu-wi.org/en/press-releases/aclu-wisconsin-blasts-decision-ban-drop-boxes