Failed to pass both houses, will not become law this session
This joint resolution proposes the declaration of the Economic Justice Bill of Rights.
The Economic Justice Bill of Rights was first introduced in March of 2021 as a progressive vision for legislative work to better our state for all Wisconsinites.
Economic Justice Bill of Rights
- A job that provides dignity at work and pays a living wage;
- Adequately funded public education and affordable, accessible child care;
- A union, public or private, and collective bargaining;
- Affordable, accessible, and comprehensive high-quality health care;
- A clean, sustainable environment and healthy planet;
- Decent, sustainable community infrastructures including safe, affordable housing, transportation, and broadband;
- Equitable access to capital, investments, financial institutions, and retirement;
- A fair, restorative, and equitable justice system;
- Recreation and participation in community and civic life; and
- Life, self-determination, and freedom from oppression.