Many of the civil rights and liberties violations we see come from the inside of Wisconsin's jails and prisons. Our carceral system inflicts harm and attacks human dignity on such a widespread scale that sometimes it's hard to see the full picture.

So this holiday season, we want to turn our attention to the power of a piece of mail.

Currently, every piece of mail sent to someone inside Wisconsin’s carceral system is opened and photocopied before being given to its recipient. 

This process can compromise the integrity of the documents — many report skewed copies, blurry text, portions of mail being cut off, and more. By the time the recipient receives their mail, the original has already been thrown away.

Worse, this policy raises serious confidentiality issues. Opening someone's legal mail threatens the right to attorney—client privilege.

In 2021, the Wisconsin Department of Corrections made this significant change to its mail policies, citing an increase in drugs coming into prisons through the mail. While these claims have been disproven, the policy still applies for standard mail, legal mail, and even books.

The right to read, regularly communicate with loved ones, and receive unopened legal mail is essential. This is just one example of how Wisconsin's carceral system chips away at the well-being, rights, and dignity of those detained in its facilities.

The bottom line: incarceration is costly and inhumane.

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