KENOSHA – The ACLU of Wisconsin, All in Wisconsin, Leaders of Kenosha, and Black Leaders Organizing For Communities (BLOC) issued the following joint statement regarding the egregious assault and arrest of an innocent Black man by Kenosha Police:
“Last month, Kenosha police brutally beat a Black man inside of an Applebees after wrongly identifying him as a suspect in a hit-and-run crash, forcing him to the ground and pulling a baby from his arms before hitting him multiple times as he lay pinned on his stomach. According to news reports, the man had stopped at the restaurant to eat with his family, who would later be forced to watch helplessly as he was assaulted, charged, and arrested.
Too often, Black and Brown people suffer violence at the hands of police. It’s devastating to see police – again and again – treat Black lives with such callous disregard. It’s tragic that a Black person simply trying to enjoy a meal with his family is automatically seen as suspicious and that officers feel free to behave recklessly, violently, and unjustifiably, even toward a man holding a baby. We are heartbroken for this individual, his family, and all who have been affected by this senseless act. And we are outraged that Black and Brown people, Indigenous people, communities of color, and other marginalized groups have to live in fear of police violence and that those in positions of power refuse to do what is necessary to prevent it.
We are calling for answers and accountability. The actions of the police that were captured on video were disgraceful and endangered the safety of an innocent Black man, a baby, and others present at the restaurant.
KPD has a responsibility to the public to ensure there is a fully transparent and independent investigation into this incident. The victim, his family, and the entire community are owed a complete explanation for why this happened.
Nobody is free until we’re all free. Black people deserve to live in a world free of racist policing, where they can take their families out to eat without fear of being profiled and attacked. We call on Kenosha officials to condemn the KPD’s actions, to ensure law enforcement is held accountable, and to do whatever is necessary to prevent this from ever happening again.”