Failed to pass both houses, will not become law this session
Under current law, BadgerCare Plus provides critical health care coverage to certain children, pregnant people, parents and caretaker relatives, former foster care youth, and adults aged 19 to 64 who are not receiving Medicare and who do not have dependent children if they meet certain financial criteria.
This bill would prohibit the Department of Health Services (DHS) from automatically renewing health care benefits for those covered by BadgerCare Plus, would require verification of eligibility every six months (instead of annually), not allow DHS to use pre-populated forms, and would kick people off BadgerCare Plus for six months if they do not report a change that may impact their eligibility.
The administrative burdens imposed by this bill and risk of disenrollment would disproportionately fall on Black, Indigenous and other people of color, as well as people with disabilities — exacerbating health inequities for the most marginalized Wisconsinites.