MILWAUKEE - Chris Ott, executive director of the ACLU of Wisconsin, made the following statement regarding the death of Joel Acevedo, who was beaten by an off-duty police officer last week.
“The tragic death of Joel Acevedo, a 25 year old Milwaukee man who was beaten by an off-duty police officer last week requires a thorough, transparent investigation into exactly what took place.
In addition to offering the public a full and prompt accounting of that individual incident, the Milwaukee Police Department must also ensure that they disclose to the public the criteria and decision making process for enforcing Wisconsin’s safer-at-home order. This is even more important in light of media reports that MPD has arrested at least 107 people for violating this order, and reports that the officer arrested for the beating was hosting a gathering in violation of the order. The public has the right to know whether residents and officers are being treated in the same manner, and whether any particular groups of residents are being targeted by the MPD.
If the police expect to earn the trust of the communities they serve, it is up to city officials and the MPD to be completely open and forthright with the public when cases of misconduct occur.”