Graduation is a time of celebration and community. After centuries of attempted genocide and erasure of Indigenous culture and tradition, the ability to celebrate commencement in a culturally appropriate way is deeply important for Indigenous students. Tribal regalia worn at commencement are a symbol of resistance, resilience, and reclamation by students of their right to an education that honors their culture and heritage. But for some Indigenous students, graduation can be fraught with uncertainty or controversy over their ability to wear tribal regalia during commencement ceremonies.
This bill protects Indigenous students’ rights by not allowing school boards and charter schools to prohibit a student who is a member of, a descendent of a member of, or eligible to be enrolled in, a federally recognized (whether currently or in the past) American Indian tribe or band from wearing traditional tribal regalia at a graduation ceremony or school-sponsored event.
The bill defines “traditional tribal regalia” as “a tribe's traditional dress or recognized objects of religious or cultural significance, including tribal symbols, beads, and feathers.”
This bill was prepared for the 2024 Joint Legislative Council's Special Committee on State-Tribal Relations.
Protecting Indigenous Students' Right to Wear Tribal Regalia
Know Your Rights: Tribal Regalia