This legislation, dubbed the “Parental Bill of Rights,” establishes a legal standard for infringement of a list of rights of parents/guardians relating to a child’s relation, medical care and records, and education and allows a parent or guardian to bring a lawsuit for violating any provision outlined in the bill.
Some provisions in the bill include:
- a requirement that parents be given notice any time a “controversial subject” will be discussed in the classroom, including “instruction about gender identity, sexual orientation, racial identity, structural systemic, or institutional racism” and the ability to opt students out of instruction
- a requirement for school staff to deadname and misgender students
Ultimately, the bill would have a chilling effect on educators’ ability to discuss critical historical topics and issues impacting LGBTQ+ people, Black, Indigenous, and other people of color, and other marginalized communities. All young people deserve to feel safe and supported at school. Forcing teachers to treat LGBTQ+ or transgender students differently because of who they are not only violates students’ rights but places these students at an even higher risk of bullying, harassment, and violence.
A similar bill was passed during the 2021-22 Legislative Session but vetoed by Governor Evers. Similar legislation has also been passed in other states across the country, pushed by extremist groups like Moms for Liberty.