Failed to pass both houses, will not become law this session

This bill requires the state superintendent of public instruction, in consultation with organizations representing law enforcement, to promulgate rules to develop a model curriculum for pupils in grades 5 to 12 to instruct pupils on “how to interact with law enforcement with mutual cooperation and respect.” Specifically, the model curriculum must include instruction on all of the following: 

(a) The role and responsibilities of law enforcement officials in providing for public safety.

(b) The responsibilities of an individual to comply with directives from law enforcement officials.

(c) The legal rights of an individual in interactions with law enforcement officials.

While ACLU-WI supports efforts to educate young people on their rights when interacting with law enforcement, the exercise of these rights run counter to an expectation of “compliance” in many situations. Would a young person’s actions be perceived as non-compliance if they assert their constitutional right to remain silent, refuse to consent to a search without a warrant, or attempt to terminate an encounter with police if there is not reasonable suspicion?




Representative Dave Murphy; Senator Van Wanggaard





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