Emily Bell is in her second term as a board member of the ACLU of Wisconsin. She is an at-large member of the executive committee, and also serves on the nominating committee and the development committee. She served on the executive director search committee, and is a founding member of the ACLU-WI Amicus Club, a group designed to connect civil rights-minded attorneys with each other and the ACLU.
Emily is an attorney focusing on criminal defense law, and has always worked to protect the rights of individuals. Emily earned her Juris Doctor from Marquette University. During her time in law school, Emily interned in the ACLU-WI’s legal department, working on issues of housing discrimination, immigration, and free speech.
Emily’s main civil liberties interests include the interaction of law enforcement and the community, voting rights issues, and race and gender issues.
When not working or volunteering for ACLU committees, Emily taking advantage of all of the wonderful opportunities afforded to her in her adopted hometown of Milwaukee.