Hope Owens-Wilson

Hope has been employed at the ACLU of Wisconsin since July 2019

“Growing up in Mississippi I was nurtured on the legacy of Civil Rights movement leaders such as Medgar Evers and Fannie Lou Hamer. Their work and my first-hand experiences with the dearth of resources available to people in Mississippi pushed me to fight for equitable access to critical services and opportunities to ensure positive outcomes for folks in Mississippi.”

Hope worked in Mississippi at the William Winter Institution for Racial Reconciliation. There she facilitated restorative dialogue circles in communities with racially traumatic histories and helped high school students to develop community improvement plans (some of which were presented to city officials in their communities). She has spent the past four years as an educator in Milwaukee Public Schools and most recently has worked with Milwaukee Film as Youth Education Coordinator.

She graduated from the University of Mississippi with a Bachelor’s degree in African-American studies with an emphasis on Social and Political systems, writing a thesis focusing on the reasons why and how Black women persist at predominantly white educational institutions.

Hope spends her free time in Milwaukee watching people eat different foods on Youtube and learning to play the bass guitar.




Photo Credit: Emma Willoughby